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Today is the day ...

I'm pretty intense truth be known. Not everybody's cup of tea ... but as a friend used to say ... just add a little honey ... Today I had a strong impression about WHY I'm so intense and needless to say I cried a pretty long time. As a verbal processor, it is less difficult for me to express myself through video or when engaged in conversation ...but I'm going to attempt to recapitulate my earlier thoughts. Today is the day ...

You see, it dropped inside of me a picture of myself as this intense human being with purpose and drive and ambition to see those around me with purpose and drive and ambition. I saw that and thought what?? Then, I realized that I come across aggressive to the person who loves to wait it out and I come across passive to the person who already knows what they want and just wants me to get to the point and tell them my idea. Interesting as I get hit from both sides. Some literally accuse me of being way to fast and way too ... to the point .... and then I have some who accuse me of just the opposite although my words and tone are exactly the same. Today IS the day ...

Conclusion? I just give a care. I really do. I live with an intense deep desire for life and love and living. I live from an intense space from inside me that does not want to compromise but believes today is the day when you can have your health miracle - that today is the day when your financial miracle is going to take place - that today is the day when you will make a new friend - that today is the day you will understand your purpose - that today is the day when you will fulfill that deep longing. BUT ... that whatever today is the day for is something you must take action for and in - and that it is not something that just happens to fall from the sky. My inside is intense. My words are intense. My trust is intense. My desire for you to live is intense. My belief in you is intense. But YOUR belief in you needs to be extremely intense. You have to hold your own hand. You especially need to learn how to hold your own hand when people around you drop your hand. You have to trust you friend ... Today is the day.

I believe most days your miracle is within your reach because it is inside the construct of your own belief system AND is determined by your own call to action. In other words, you have something to say about your life.

I confront that doubt and unbelief inside you. Instead, I'm thinking - what is holding you back from deciding right now your health is worth a change? Now, listen, there ARE things that hold us back. We have timing in all things but your healing? Your emotional wellness? Your financial need? These are within our own reach I believe most the time ...

My encouragement to you? Be the strongest most alive most educated most convincing most loving most generous you that others will ever meet and decide to enjoy yourself. Decide that the few people who get you or get what you are offering are worth all the naysayers who want you to hide away from others as if you have never existed. THIS is the day!

Keep opening your mouth. Keep talking to others whom you do not know. Keep giving value. Keep being over the top in love and life. Keep being loud and keep being that one person who goes after the 99 even when you get questioned every step of the way. You can let it be. Today is the day... Blessings friend, Donna Reiners Blogger, Light worker.

Until soon ...

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