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Leaving the Parking Lot

I’m writing this in retrospect because at the time of this writing I have already left the parking lot instead of just now leaving the parking lot. Forgive me as I get you caught up on the entrapment of a parking lot. Interesting truly it is when you discover that not only are you stuck but actually you feel semi trapped in it and you feel as if there is no leaving it. It has been an interesting stretch of the journey. Admittedly, many times I feel like what others think could happen in a split second, I feel could take years. So, does that make me a negative woman or just gifted to see that sometimes the glass really is not as full as you think? I’m not sure but I really felt like it would be centuries or years before I would even understand enough of what was happening in life to gain the courage to begin leaving this seemingly dark place or as I fondly began to say –  leaving the parking lot. Melodramatic to say the least.  The other thing I discovered on this stretch is that I have not been alone in the parking lot. Many of us have been feeling as if we are in a dark place or in an enemy entrapment. After I realized it was not just me but that the burden was for the body then I had a moment of enlightenment….AHAH!!! This is why its been such a heavy place ignited by the work of the enemy as many places as he could find me along the way via fear, dread, terror, paralyzing feelings, etc. I ask you to join me as it is time to look at the future of today and say goodbye to the past. This is my conclusion and many of you have been conversing with me privately as well in open comments but mostly privately and so let me tell you what I’ve concluded. It is time for us ALL to be leaving the parking lot.

Start Your Engine

Just start your engine. START YOUR ENGINES – HENCE THE CHECKERED OUTFIT. I’m your flag for the go go go. Yes, I realize you may not feel like it but the truth is that though God may have lead us into the parking lot – when we know we are there – then we are in a parking lot by choice. Does God take advantage of this time of stopping, resting, sleeping, relaxing, recalibrating? OF course He does – HE is the Smartest One alive. I’m not saying you need to take leave right now but you need to at least start the car. Quit waiting for ideal situations that may never come or passionate people to pull you out of the mire. I’m here – I’m passionate  and I’m ready to pull you out of the mire. When I was considering the exit strategy from the darkness or heaviness, I was exhausted and felt there was no way I could even think about leaving the parking lot.

A Heavy Comfort Zone

By this time, I had become comfortable. This is the trouble with the comfort that had visited with me – it was a heavy comfort disguised as darkness and it had been sent to take me INTO darkness. Question. Do you WANT to lean into darkness and then still be sitting in the same lot a year from now? Think about it. No. I mean really THINK. Do you WANT to be in the exact same place one year from now as you are today? If not, then you need to listen carefully to instructions to help you in the process of leaving the parking lot.


T – Tell a friend you need to change your private world, public world, situation, circumstance or heart’s condition. If you have no friends you can trust then email me and I’ll be your friend. I care and want you free.

H – Hope for the best and stop dwelling on the emptiness of your glass. Do not be duped by the enemy not even for one more day. I bet once you get hope filled, you will see a plan right before your eyes. So, you might as well start your engine.

I – I I I I I I I – staying in the parking lot is going to cause you to continue to think about yourself and really do you think you will have much hope if you continue to just be into your SELF????? God has gifted you (even if you don’t see it), HE has instructed you (even if you have forgotten what He said) and He has entrusted you to live out your life as to HIM – not you and certainly not to darkness. One thing I know is that though I want to understand every step I take before I take it….truth is that Jesus is my Road Map. HE IS THE MAP. I hold the Map inside me. HE is the key. Quit waiting to understand how you are going to do it….just start moving. Start your engine.

N – NO – you need to tell your old patterns of fear, dread, unbelief, sleepiness, habits that stop you from moving forward and just past behaviors NO – tell them to all shut up and tell them you are starting a new day and the last time you checked God was still into giving new mercies every single day and you are moving into a new merciful day. Today is the day to change your mind and say no to you and yes to HIM and HIS ways and HIS goodness and HIS life. Sever the darkness from you even right now…separate yourself from what you know you must say NO to!! When you say YES to God – you say NO to the enemy’s ways. Say it with me, “I change my mind and come out of this dark heaviness. I sever it from me. I command it to go to a dry place. I ask You God to forgive me for partnering with darkness and I receive Your forgiveness. I forgive myself. I release myself from yesterday and start your engine to prepare to move into tomorrow on purpose in Jesus name.

K – Be KIND to YOU. For goodness sake – ditch the condemnation, criticism, crazy ugly self talk and let God live through you to be KIND to youuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! Get some who are like minded and have some good old fashion prayer time with some folks who believe in you and want the same as you. It is time. THINK. THINK. THINK. Start your engine my friend….let’s get a move on.

Awaken Your Spirit

Okay. So this is how I left the parking lot…..I’m encouraging you to do the same. Start your engine. Keep in mind…in the unseen realm….its okay…you won’t run out of gas with your engine running in the spirit. This is what I mean by start your engine – awaken your spirit my friend. You have incredible value….even if you don’t feel it for yourself. I had no idea where I was going or when I would leave – I just knew I could not longer remain in the parking lot anymore. Then, once it was decided, then God did what God does – HE talks to you to help you have the unction to leave the parking lot.

So, I will get a tad spiritual for a moment and pray for you okay?


In Jesus name, I declare freedom in you and over you and through you to leave the parking lot. #bravetobraver -You are BRAVE! You are BOLD and you are well able to leave entrapment. You have RESPECT for yourself and you are well able to take ACTION and to leave where you are and move forward into more of Him and more He has for you. You ARE VICTORIOUS over your past and so I sever from you what is not from HIM. I declare you are well able to change your mind and go into a new day. I free you to be convicted and not condemned. I release you into ENCOURAGEMENT, blessings and peace and power and provision and promise in Jesus name. I free you to be LOVED by others and loved by yourself too. LOVE LOVE LOVE.  Blessed be the name of the LORD!! YAY JESUS!!!!!So, get ready for a new day and a new plan….see you outside the parking lot 🙂

If you read this far you might be interested in a fiction story…kind of like a soap opera really – I released the 3rd part in the Other Side of the Road and am preparing to release FROM the Other Side of the Road – you can follow me there too if you like – its just for fun!!

Send this to friends who need some help out of the parking lot. Who knows? Maybe the same enemy breathing down my neck and your neck is breathing down their neck?

Until next time, d

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