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You can hear Him

Pondering life. Fascinated God chose us before the foundation of the world. While yet not breathing, He chose us. While yet against Him, He included those He created. HE is in us, around us. What does it mean? All things exist in heaven and earth because of Him, adhering to Him. For Him. By Him. Through Him. Including you. Including me. How devastatingly unpractical yet our reality – not just a doctrinal truth. You can hear Him.

Father restoring relationship through His Son for all mankind? Father forgiving all of mankind through One Sacrifice? Without our help or permission. One Sacrifice resurrected for all mankind. What do you do with that? If Adam caused mankind to be dead then certainly Jesus brought life to mankind? Surely we don’t see Adam as more powerful than Christ? Surely, Jesus’ obedience trumps Adam’s disobedience? Restoring mankind’s position to rule and reign. Restored so He is living in us and through us. Is this the Grace we do not quite understand? That He chose us? Without our mental ascent? Without our heart’s agreement? His decision? You can hear Him.

Imagine a Person stepping inside you so that you have an upclose personal relationship with our Creator – our Father – our God – one where He never leaves you…never forsakes you…because He breathes inside you and through you- answering your deepest questions through a whisper, a nudge, a thought, an audible word, or through the mystery of silence. Heaven coming to live in you through The Son. You are alive. You are not dead. You can be born again. You can hear Him yourself.

Don’t allow dark ignorance depersonalize The Most Personal, Relational, Loving Person of all time. Look up. See The Man. See God. See The King. Embrace the kingdom. You are a son or a daughter of your Father’s kingdom. God yet Friend. Master yet Brother. Complete Authority yet not controlling you. Freedom to cultivate relationship with The Most Powerful Being from time without time.

When the son ran away from his father to spend his inheritance – it says he came to his senses and planned his way back home. His thought process was to present himself as not good enough to be his father’s son and be hired as a servant. Did the the son lose his identity when he went away to squander his inheritance? What else? I see that he also left the presence of his father’s love, acceptance and affirmation. The son may have returned out of ‘need’ but his father received him back as family with no questions asked. Once a son – always a son – behavior does not determine bloodline. You may have lost your way but HE has not lost you. You were never lost by Him. You are found. Seriously how would Almighty God lose His own son? Like He doesn’t have eyes to see his location or ears to hear his thoughts? So what’s the hold up? You can hear Him.

Could Father be waiting for you to wake up to His Love and acceptance and affirmation… that you are His – always have been and always will be? Church may not be your safe place but Father has a ring for your hand, sandals for your feet, food for your sustenance and arms open wide because you are not a servant but His son. You can hear Him- Love-d

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