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The Sun’s Up

Have you ever NOT wanted to open your door, check your mail or go outside when the sun’s up? Maybe your personal insides just want to stay in the dark and relish the pain you feel? HEY! That’s not good for you and I’m here to take you from choosing dark to life. Now, you know that even if it is a gray gloomy day outside that there is a sun shining up in that sky right? It is time to take authority over your own atmosphere my friend. Imagine if you will a full on sun that is shining inside through your walls and into your hall and piercing into your roof. Embrace it. Let it pierce into your soul. Decide now, the Sun’s up and you can be up too. Don’t give up my friend. Don’t turn to the left or right looking for it all to end. Instead, let the warmth of the sun call you into life. Let the reality of your darkness bring forth the light. The Sun’s up – grab hold – take a deep breath. Breathe in and out and then do it again. I love you – maybe you forgot and think you are alone. But it is a lie – hear my kind tone. You are important. You are alive on purpose. Be Braver my friend – the Sun’s up and you can be too..

The Sun’s Up

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