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Surgery Friday

Hello friend, I’m having surgery Friday morning (at the time of this writing that is tomorrow). It is unexpected but is a step in my journey to getting oxygen to my brain. Oxygen to the brain can heal grey matter. Oxygen to the brain can seal up a blood brain barrier that is like a cyclone fence. Oxygen to the brain can help your hormones heal. Oxygen to the brain can help your brain sleep when it is time for REM. Funny really … we don’t know how God is going to lead us until we move with Him. HIS leading to me is down a road I would not take with logic. But this last year when my body was shutting down and all my positive mantras and meditation pieces failed, you get to take action … with Him in other ways. We can be so convinced that the positivity tour is the only way – I have heard and soaked and understand. Then, we can lean into the voice of the Christ Who is the Way Who leads us into Life His way … HE loves for us to live. I believe HE loves to lead us through that inner voice…. and let me say that the Inner Voice is personal – its not a vibe – its not just a frequency. It’s the voice that breaks the cedars, causes mountains to melt like wax and gives you creative ideas that change society … or your family bloodline with a Word from Him that brings Life and Love to move cities into relationship with Him. It’s deep and its personal and its worth waiting for – its not always yes – it is sometimes no because what Father always just says yes to whatever a kid wants? Good Fathers have wisdom and timing and avenues for us to follow Him through…building our relationship and giving us Love along the way that causes our security in Him to be secure. This surgery Friday has to do with sinuses and takes about an hour. If you are a praying person and not a preying person, I welcome thoughts of full recovery 🙂 Over the river and through the woods …this is the journey… sometimes into the desert and sometimes into an ocean but in Him and with Him, we are empowered to walk out our lives victoriously. Will we sometimes be in pain? You betcha? Will we sometimes feel clueless? Duh. IS He faithful inside to lead and guide – oh yes.. So, bless you in your own river and your own woods and your own discovery tour in Christ to know Him. Last thing… I was talking with someone today about His voice and His life and I discussed how God knows Who He is …that HE does not have an identity crisis and that if they…the person I was talking with did not believe in the Christ…that if they said something like this, “from my spirit alive in my Creator.” …that our God knew Who that was….and our Father would respond. Father is more than able to sync up with this friend and share His goodness and His love so that my friend knows how joined and all in HE has always been …  Relationship friend. Not religion. We don’t have all the language perfect. We don’t all have an academic theology in place. Oh, but the #Christ? The One Who #dances with you from the inside – HE will never leave or forsake you..even on the bumpiest ride. Until soon and much love…see you after #surgery Friday.. D

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