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Special treasure

You are a special treasure!

Your smile is amazing.

Your eyes pop in that color.

You are doing sooooo good!!

I’m so proud of you.

You are valuable.

You are chosen.

You are on purpose.

You matter.

Your life counts.

I’m glad you’re alive.

I’m thankful to be with you.

You are a breath of beauty.

You are strong.

You are lovely.

Your smile is contagious.

You changed my life.

Your words encourage.

You have great taste.

You are worth it.

You are a special treasure.

Wow! Look at you! Be strengthened friend. You do matter. You do have value. You do count. I’m happy to see you.

Now, look in a mirror and tell yourself ALL of that! Then, do it again but slowly with strong intention – look yourself in the eye with gratitude for you.

Then look the person with you in the eye and say all of the same to them.

Does not take long.

Love yourself. Love others. Share with friends. Tag/Encourage someone today.


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