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Life Happens

Life Happens ©Donna Reiners

Women can be very interesting creatures. From moment to moment, we experience a myriad of emotions. In the day to day of our lives we can laugh, cry, hate, love and be in pain – all at one time!

Pain. Sorrow. Joy. Confusion. Happiness. Disturbed. Perplexities. Passion. Depression. Peace. Betrayal. Rejection. Hilarity. Giddiness. Anger. Through us, life happens.

Yet, all these emotions are deep and real because of a loving and powerful Creator Who made us all in His image. Have you grasped the fact that our God is emotional?  And yet, praise God, He keeps His emotions under control!  Otherwise, we would all be wiped off the earth! Interestingly enough, He desires for us to keep our emotions under control as well.

Made from His DNA, we have the unique likelihood of experiencing His emotions. The feelings of God. Wow. How humbling is that?

How can we be made in His image yet have so much pain? One thing for sure is life happens.

What if sometimes God, knowing our travels, would make Himself known through our  journey of pain? What if His desire is to use that pain to mold us and conform us into His will and to learn His way? After all, His way was through pain, wasn’t it?

Heb 5:7-10 During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him, and was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek. (from New International Version).

I just want to remind everyone that Jesus did endure and suffer and experience pain. However, it was the journey THROUGH the pain that’s important.  He did not remain in pain or suffering. Sometimes, we remain in a pit of pain from mere desire. We want the attention that comes through being discouraged. If we remain in that place with the wrong motives (to get attention), we will become entrapped and find it very difficult to get out of that hole.

Pray with me – Father, cause my emotions to take on stability as I embrace this season and walk through the pain to the other side in Jesus name. Let it be.

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No Freedom without Confrontation

Freedom! ©Donna Reiners

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Until next time, d

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