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Great, Mighty or ?

A season like no other being tested as great, mighty or ?. A time that tests the fibers of your very core. It was not too long before I had a pretty rude awakening on my weaknesses in a clear and upfront way. I’m seeing that if it can be squeezed, its being squeezed. If the trigger can be triggered – its triggered. If its wine time, then I may be the grapes being used to crush. I vacillate between the great and mighty woman of faith I am already to the girl on the floor on her knees reminding God of her existence and … gulp- her needs. Physical needs sometimes seem overwhelming but so do emotional and mental needs. I’ve been the one who believed for those who had no belief in themselves. I’ve been the one who help the hand of the one who wanted to say goodbye to their life. I remember the stricken look in the eyes of paying and non paying clients who wanted and needed a line of strength or they literally thought they would not make it. I remember those comments of not wanting to wake up or not seeing a Reason to get up or basically a desire to check out and stay checked out. I believed when they did not. What is my point? Great or Mighty or?

I know what it feels like to believe for someone’s life as if their life depended on it – because it did depend on it. I saw them through crisis after crisis after crisis and then they changed and no longer needed me to hold their hand or they found someone else to hold it perhaps.

Interesting season when you face the need for your own faith to be there for your own life and not the belief for the life of someone else’s. It takes every fiber in your being to stay focused, to stay engaged and to not falter as you determine how to live. Great or mighty or ?

It is a strong season or is it? I don’t fully disclose what my life faces right now and others do not either. Some friends have diseases that threaten their lives, job losses threaten their shelter, treatments coming for folks who would have rather experienced the supernatural miracle, viruses overwhelming a body, bacteria wanting to rule an immune system, weakness wanting to take an elder down and isolation tearing some apart. The list goes on.

Remember Who lives inside you and remember His Good news for you. Remember and focus on the good. When the bad overtakes – remember you are disciplining yourself in a new way today. You are rewiring your brain.Its a new beginning. A new foundation. A new opportunity to love and be loved, to be kind and to listen with your heart and not your ears. Oh, this is the test for me for sure. Listening with His perspective – this is how we endure this season and how we live through it and come out better. You asked for transformation – and now it has arrived. Know you are loved and you are great and mighty. Love,d

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