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Forgiveness is a real experience. I know someone whom I unintentionally betrayed. When I saw it and received that Truth from God, I was able to eventually sort through the issues of the why and the what and then – well – then I talked with the man and the woman. Do you know what they said? Well, that explains why “such and which” won’t return my call. Then, they both without hesitation and with full honesty said, “I forgive you” and they actually meant it.

How do I know they meant it? They did not treat me any differently after I exposed myself and shared with them what happened. They literally hugged me, supported me, loved me, encouraged me and laughed as if – it never once impacted them – although it truly did in ways I probably still do not understand. They talked about flesh and how we all are learning and we all are changing and that I needed to move forward and not be tormented by it. This was several years ago and they still treat me the same. I’m still welcomed in their home and they still refer others to me and they still hug me and text me and acknowledge my presence in their lives. Forgiveness.

They had already forgiven before they were confronted with a need to forgive me or anyone else. They lived and live from a deep place.

They are mature. In that place of maturity, I experienced a deep healing inside me when they not only forgave in that moment of my confession but they continued to value me in the days and years that followed. They maintained relationship with me as if that incident had never happened. Forgiveness.

They are kingdom like no one I have ever known. They paved the way with an honesty from the cross nobody (but one man who has already passed) had ever demonstrated to me. I see them do this consistently with others as well. I was not their first rodeo nor will I be their final one.

This I know – as long as you have relationships with others you will experience being thrown under a bus, humiliated, not appreciated, not paid back, not thanked, not loved, not apologized to and not understood. Also, as long as you have relationships you will experience being loved, watched over, thanked, appreciated, valued, loved and forgiven.

As long as the kingdom is always sought first and as long as that kingdom is not about “me, myself and I” then this Christ Whom we believe and trust and desire to know will have His way and be glorified through you and me. Forgiveness is the King’s domain. It is a place where we are supposed to have dominion and we can only have that kind of dominion through experiencing and exercising His life here with ourselves and others.

I’m still so thankful for their example of living as Christ on the planet and not just “talking” about living as Christ on the planet. Forgiveness is an action Jesus took and it is one we too can take. Reconciliation and humility and transparency and love is found in relationship and it can be for the long haul for those who choose that road of Life.

Can you imagine treating someone as if they had never hurt you? Never betrayed you? Never talked poorly about you? Never abused you? Forgiveness.

For you who are formulating why you think this is not every case – I’m not saying go back to that man who beat the hell out of you. I’m not saying trust that woman who threw you out of that vehicle. I am not saying it is okay that man or woman committed or are committing adultery.

But, I am saying if we cannot acknowledge where we wrong or misunderstand others – if we cannot love that person as they never harmed us – then it is highly probable we have not forgiven them as Christ has already forgiven us. It is a strong indicator of a heart that is not loving fully or being loved fully in an area of life. These are the lessons in life I consider and chew on and work out with Him. HE is so faithful to let us be honest instead of pretending and HE is so faithful to confront us with honesty too. Pondering from the deep.. My friends if you are a deep well and want to write a book – check out this free training. I did this and have not regretted it! Just click on the link and let me know my friend!! Until soon with forgiveness – d.

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