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Can’t Touch this…

Can’t Touch This…

A video to see if you don’t like to read OR a video to see WITH the read…

This is the deal. We have an entire generation (this is NOT age specific) of men and women who think they are impervious to aging or needing others or mishaps that take your life into another direction than what you are believing God for…you know…that million dollar job where you are care free or that dream vacation life where you have zero responsibilities…not to mention marrying this person or that person and spending all your precious time with someone who may not have the stamina to love you if your bowels loose on them.  Let me just say that money does not buy you happiness and does not turn back the wheels of time. Sure, you can slow down the wrinkles, draw back the skin, remove the fat and basically redo your body from top to toe but it does not make your insides healthy. Remember that song…I think by MC Hammer???, “Can’t Touch This…”

Life happens people. Life DOES touch us…You can either yell about it and bitch and moan and complain (I know I said the B word and I’ll probably get a WHOLE lot of flack) or you can put your big girl/boy undies on and face reality and live life as it comes to you instead of avoid it like the plague. It is our response to our life that determines our futures with one another. I saw a lady at the pet store yesterday who was talking about having to care for her 85 year old mother who is still mobile but living with her. She was not bitter and I was thankful but I could tell she had not yet grabbed hold that God had entrusted her with her mom and that it is her honor to love her on this side of heaven. For those who have walked with me for a season, you may remember the passing of our sister Mary Ann who needed a great deal more than I was physically capable of providing – she lived in a nursing facility. I saw her frequently and I gotta say it was inconvenient many of the time since she was 45 minutes away. However, it truly was an honor to love her while she was on this side of heaven and now that she is no longer available to touch, call or hear, it is amazing how UN-inconvenient she really was in real time. I can’t bring her back and it never worked…this whole attitude of can’t touch this.

Can't Touch This

Donna Reiners

What are you doing with the ones who live with you or are your aging family members or aging friends? You NEED TO TOUCH THEM! I remember Dad and how he needed our love as a family and how we leaned how to honor him and how God changed ALL OF US in the process. Honor is an action word and it sooooo encouraged my dad to BE LOVED!!!! It also encouraged us to love him. Tomorrow does not always come. Aging. Do I mean someone in their 80’s? No. I’m saying look around for goodness sake. Do you have a mom or a dad? Do you have a step mom or a step dad? Do you have siblings? Do you have aunts and uncles? Do you have nieces and nephews? What about friends who you consider family? How about your neighbor? When is the last time you loved them face to face? Watched a movie with them? Had dinner? Laughed over some jokes? Held their hand? Hugged their neck? Wiped their behind? Yes, I went there…don’t worry…you will survive.

It’s time to love while it is still called today. #BEBRAVER – Love is an action word. No you cannot run all over tarnation (my mama used that word when I was a kid.) BUT you can look into your life and see one person whom you can love. She or he may be in your same house. Don’t ignore those closest to you and don’t run away from the ones you want to run from….may be that there is a strong life lesson OR a whole lot of love in that person for you…if you can look through their tone and look into their need AND IGNORE that whole feeling of can’t touch this

We all need each other.


Might as well start now.

send to a friend………

Until next time – much love,


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